09 April 2007

A peacefull trip down "Mølleåen"

It was kind of windy today and I thought the combination of 12 m/s offshore wind, 6 degrees celcius water and paddling alone was a bad cocktail, especially since I havent done much paddling for the last 6 months.

I therefore decided to give my new paddle a spin on a small stream called Mølleåen.

This also gave me a good chance to give the small Feathercraft cart a prober test, as I had to do alot of train riding and walking with it.
I even got the chance to test its second use, which is as a boat trailer, as there are alot of "overbæringer" on this route.
I dont know the English term for this but it basically involves getting out of the kayak and carrying it past a road to the next part of the stream.

I was not impressed by the cart as it is a bit flimsy, it is not great for trolleying the bag, it is in the way if you have to carry the bag and the sligthest bump makes it fall off when when using it as boat trailer.

Still it made my life a whole lot easyer, it would have been real bad without it.

The new paddle are great, the only grief are that it is a much wetter ride and that I havent got the take-apart thing done, which makes it a hassle to bring with the kayak in trains and such.

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